Joburg Workshop on String Theory:

2017 Joburg School on String Theory

11-15 September 2017

The Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics holds the Joburg School on String Theory annually. The goal of this school is to expose students at South African universities to exciting recent developments in understanding gravitational, quantum field theoretic, and stringy systems. This School forms the pedagogical portion of the 8th Joburg Workshop on String Theory, held from 27-31 March 2017 with a focus on “Black Holes and Entanglement,” and the 9th Joburg Workshop of String Theory, held from 18-22 December 2017 with a focus on “Counting Problems in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory.”

The School comprises lectures on the following topics.

  • Introduction to Conformal Field Theory, Shinji Hirano
  • How to Guess the Answer, Vishnu Jejjala
  • Integrable Spin Chains, Minkyoo Kim
  • Introduction to Supersymmetry and Localization, Tarun Sharma
  • Giant Magnons and Magnon Scattering, Jaco van Zyl
  • Solitons and the BPS Bound, Costas Zoubos


Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics, School of Physics



Robert de Mello Koch, Kevin Goldstein, Shinji Hirano, Vishnu Jejjala, João Rodrigues, Costas Zoubos


The String Group thanks the DST/NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, the Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics, the National Institute for Theoretical Physics, the National Research Foundation, the Simons Foundation, the South African Research Chairs Initiative, the University of Pretoria, and the University of the Witwatersrand for generous funding of the Workshops and School. We are especially grateful to Ragnie Leahy and Maddalena Teixeira for administrative support.


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